Title: Wisdom at Work
Passage: Proverbs 6:6–10
Series: Walking With The Wise—How to Live Wisely and Well in God’s Good World
The Early Bird Gets The Worm
Don’t be a sluggard
Characteristics of a sluggard
The sluggard is lazy (6:6)
The sluggard delights in sleep and recreation (6:9–10)
The sluggard lacks initiative (6:7)
The sluggard procrastinates (6:8)
The sluggard is self-deceived (6:9–10)
The sluggard is looking for easy money
The sluggard is a destructive force
God has ordained severe consequences for sluggardliness
Be diligent
Characteristics of the wise worker
He works hard (6:6)
He takes initiative and works well without supervision (6:7)
He prepares for the future (6:8)
He patiently pursues success
He is a good steward of his resources
He performs his duties with excellence and even artistry
God rewards the diligent
He will enjoy financial success
He will enjoy success and fulfillment in his vocation
He will enjoy the fruit of his labour
He will be rewarded in the final judgement
Take Home
Young people should establish habits of diligence from an early age.
Don’t be a spiritual sluggard.